Casino Games

Casino Games

Beat the Dealer

A very simple dice game. The dealer rolls the dice and then the players roll their dice and see if they can beat the dealer!
Ages: 18+
Space requirements: Table is 8' plus chairs
Power requirements: None
Staffing requirements: 1
Call to Order


The classic game. Grab your card and mark your numbers off!
Ages 12 +
Space requirements: 6' table for bingo caller
Power requirements: None
Staffing requirements: 1


Plus delivery fee  

Blackjack Table

The classic 21 game. Grab your seat, get some chips and see if you can outsmart the card deck!
Ages 18+
Space requirements: Table is 4'x6' plus chairs
Power requirements: None
Staffing requirements: 1
Call to Order

Casino War

Casino War

A classic High / Low card game. 

Call to Order

Galaga Arcade Game

Ages: 10+
Space requirements: 2' W x 2' L x 7' H 
Power requirements: 1
Staffing requirements: 1


Plus delivery fee  

Golden Tee Arcade Game

Ages: 10+
Space requirements: 2' W x 2' L x 7' H
Power requirements: 1
Staffing requirements: 1


Plus delivery fee  

Horse Racing

The dealer rolls a single dice to determine which horse jockey gets to go first. That jockey then rolls the dice to see how many spots their horse gets to move. This continues until a jockey gets their horse exactly on the final spot! 


Plus delivery fee  

Money Wheel

The Money Wheel is a very fun but simple game to learn. Even if you've never played before you'll have it figured out in no time! Best of luck to you!

Call to Order

Money Wheel (CLONE)

The Money Wheel is a very fun but simple game to learn. Even if you've never played before you'll have it figured out in no time! Best of luck to you!

Call to Order

Mortal Kombat Arcade Game

Ages: 10+
Space requirements: 2' W x 2' L x 7' H 
Power requirements: 1
Staffing requirements: 1


Plus delivery fee  

Ms PacMan Arcade Game

Ages: 10+
Space requirements: 2' W x 2' L x 7' H 
Power requirements: 1
Staffing requirements: 1


Plus delivery fee  

NBA Jam Arcade Game

Ages: 10+
Space requirements: 2' W x 2' L x 7' H 
Power requirements: 1
Staffing requirements: 1


Plus delivery fee  

Pig Races

Wind up your piggy and see who takes home the bacon! 


Plus delivery fee  

Poker Table

Grab a chair and some friends and see who can last the longest!
Ages: 18+
Space requirements: Table is 4'x6' plus chairs
Power requirements: None
Staffing requirements: 1
Call to Order

Pull Tabs

Just like at your favorite establishment but win prizes instead of cash.
Price $125/box
Ages 18+
Space requirements: 6' table
Power requirements: None
Staffing requirements: 1


Plus delivery fee  

Raffle Drum

Price $40
Space requirements: One table
Power requirements: None
Staffing requirements: 1


Plus delivery fee  

Roulette Table

Scatter your chips around and see if the ball lands on your lucky number! There are tons of different ways to win!
Ages 18+
Space requirements: Table is 4'x7'
Power requirements: None
Staffing requirements: 1
Call to Order

Slot Machine Cash Cube

See who can grab the most cash in this fun cash cube!

Price $225
Ages: 8+
Space requirements: 5' W x 5' L x 11' H
Power requirements: 2 15/20 amp circuits
Staffing requirements: 1


Plus delivery fee  

Street Fighter Arcade Game

Ages: 10+
Space requirements: 2' W x 2' L x 7' H 
Power requirements: 1
Staffing requirements: 1


Plus delivery fee